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Our Promise


We promise to always be upfront and open. When it comes to the funds we raise, always keep things as transparent as possible. As a tight-knit team, our goal is to create a community where everyone feels included and our community has a say in what we do/where we allocate our funds.


To our awesome community members, we're committed to keeping you in the loop. Your input on how we use the funds is paramount. We'll be checking in regularly to get your thoughts on our efforts, and even getting your take on cool merchandise that aligns with our mission.


We're all about adapting and changing as our community grows. We may start small, but our goal will always be to scale and grow our community because, the larger our community, the greater impact we can achieve. Just like Emitt's approach to life – we promise to always be honest, full of integrity, and dedicated to our mission of making a real difference.

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